Freeland Spirits

Freeland Spirits


Freeland Spirits

2671 NW Vaughn St
Portland, OR 97210 | View on Google Maps
Tara Bomberger Tara Bomberger
(971) 279-5692

Year Established: 2016
Member of ADI Since: 2024
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You might be wondering: how did the granddaughter of a teetotaler come to name a distillery after her? It all comes back to their shared love of the land. In fact, Jill’s favorite childhood memories were running wild in Meemaw's garden, playing in the dirt and helping her shell peas on the porch.

That’s when agriculture first became her passion—in the years that followed, Jill helped plant community gardens in Guatemala, worked on a farm in Port Angeles, then moved to Portland to run a nonprofit farm. It was fulfilling work, but Jill was eager to build something of her own. Something that connected to agriculture—and her love of whiskey. (See where we’re going with this?)

Member Since: 2024