De Cort Belgian Farm Distillery

De Cort Belgian Farm Distillery


De Cort Belgian Farm Distillery

Boekhoutstraat 28
Pepingen, 1670 | View on Google Maps
32049 594 9837

Distilling can be done in many ways, but we resolutely opted for the Holstein pot-column-still combination. By far the best of both worlds, completely in copper to obtain that smooth alcohol and eliminate disturbing flavours. We can count on 2 steam-heated boilers. Our 'small' Holstein kettle has a capacity of 600L, an aroma helmet for the beer brandy or whisky, herbal basket (vapor infusion) for the gin, a column with 9 plates for our eau-de-vie's and a rectifying column with 19 plates through which we are able to distill our pure and smooth vodkas. A multifunctional kettle with which we reinforce our pursuit of perfection. In addition, we have a large 5000L kettle with whiskey helmet and column for larger batches of whisky, beer, brandy and the first distillation for vodkas or gins. We could have opted for (much) cheaper Chinese boilers, but this German company has been at the top in terms of quality for decades, top quality has its price. Top quality also makes us happy. And you can taste that, every drop again.